The Mothers The Podcast
The Mothers are a comedy group from South Carolina. This is their Podcast. They have a variety of episodes to listen to based on sketch and improv comedy.
Episode 6 / Dec 14th 2020
06 - Amongst the Magnolias
It’s time the Mothers return once more to Amongst the Magnolias.
Episode 5 / Nov 30th 2020
05 - Guided Tour: Five Points
Where else could The Mothers tour for their fifth episode? It had to be Five Points. Join City Councilperson, attorney, and local homeowner Butt Spearser for a tour of the famous marketplace. The Mothers are a comedy group from Columbia, South Carolina.
Episode 4 / Nov 16th 2020
04 - Guided Tour: Columbia Place Mall
This week’s episode of the Mothers the Podcast is a Guided Tour of the Columbia Place Mall. Explorer Joey MossBurger will guide you around and detail the sights around you. Take a tour with them or tour the grounds through your imagination. Check out more episodes at
Episode 3 / Nov 2nd 2020
03 - Guided Tour: Elmwood Cemetery
This week’s episode of the Mothers the Podcast is a Guided Tour of the Elmwood Cemetery. Cassandra Theodora will guide you around and detail the sights around you. Take a tour with them or tour the grounds through your imagination. Check out more episodes at
Episode 2 / Oct 19th 2020
02 - Guided Tour: State House Grounds
This week’s episode of the Mothers the Podcast is a Guided Tour of the State House Grounds. Joindra Mainsail will guide you around the building and detail the sights around you. Take a tour with them or tour the grounds through your imagination. Check out more episodes at
Episode 1 / Oct 5th 2020
01 - Amongst the Magnolias
America. It’s been called the land of a thousand stories. With fifty states, we could then say that each state is home to at least twenty or so. This week, as ever, we tell these stories in the only way we know how: through a gently soporific audio experience that doesn’t challenge the status quo, …
Episode 0 / Oct 2nd 2020
00 - Preview
The Mothers The Podcast brings you sketch and improv comedy from South Carolina.